Calvin In Common

About Us

Calvin in Common

We're a small group of Calvin alumni, and signers of the open letter to President Bush, who've been working over the past few months to set up this list and web site.

Now that it's launched, we hope Calvin in Common becomes a lively place of ideas, creativity, compassion and thought. Some of us are taking on new tasks--facilitating online conversation and offering technical support. Others of us are gratefully passing the baton and joining you as participants.

Though we were the ones who started this effort, we hope you know that the "Us" in "About Us" refers to all the members in the Calvin in Common list--not just the "us" who happen to be at the door to initially welcome you.

Barbara Van Noord, John Verbrugge, Sally Steenland, and Linda Bradford welcome you.


Calvin in Common is not endorsed by, nor officially affiliated with
Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Although most of the members
of this list serve have an association with Calvin as alumni, faculty or
emeriti, the views expressed by participants constitute a discussion
within a segment of the Calvin community. They do not represent that
community's entirety, nor should they be regarded as representing the
Calvin College administration.

A membership community such as this one inherently poses the question:
can postings at Calvin in Common be quoted outside of the list serve? We
emphatically consider it unethical to quote what is written at Calvin in
Common outside of this membership list serve, and prohibit doing so
unless granted specific permission by the Calvin in Common writer.


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